Dec 31, 2013



Chechen Insurgency

  1. For more than a decade now, the lethal reach of Chechen separatist commander Shamil Basayev’s Riyad ul-Saliheen Martyrs Brigade has been repeatedly demonstrated.
  2. In 2004, it seized control of a school in the town of Beslan, sparking a siege that claimed 334 lives, 186 of them children. In 2002, the Brigade took 800 people hostage at the Nord-Ost theatre in Moscow, leading to the death of 129 of them. In 2009, 29 were killed when the group bombed a Moscow-bound high-speed train. In 2010, a similar attack claimed the lives of 39 commuters.
  3. In October 2013, Naida Asiyalova, 30, killed six persons and wounded 32 others in a suicide-bombing on a bus in Volgograd — almost identical to Dec 2013 attack where Volgograd railway station was bombed.
  4. The Chechen battle against a great power has, however, inspired jihadists across the world.
  5. History : 
    1.  In the 1700s, as imperial Russia expanded into territories until then controlled by Iran and Turkey, it faced resistance from local Muslim rulers. Then, in 1940, central Asian Islamists allied with the Nazi Germany in an effort to gain independence from the Soviet Union. The historian, Ian Johnson, has documented the United States’ subsequent sponsorship of these jihadists, seeking to use them against the Soviet Union.
    2. Even as the Soviet Union crumbled in 1991, a war for independence broke out between Russia and the newly formed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Basayev was appointed vice-prime minister of the Chechen Republic by President Aslam Maskhadov in an attempted peace deal.
    3. In 1999, though, he attempted to stage a coup in neighbouring Dagestan, and fighting broke out again. President Vladimir Putin’s troops laid siege to Grozny in 1999-2000, reducing it, the United Nations reportedly said, to “the most destroyed city on earth.”
  6. Present From the mid-2008 though, the jihadist movement in Chechnya began to gather momentum again. In November that year, Mr. Umarov declared himself the Emir of the so-called Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus. For the past decade, Mr. Umarov has faced a determined adversary in the former warlord Ramzan Kadyrov. Helped by generous assistance from Moscow, Mr. Kadyrov has turned Grozny into an economic hub. But he has been alleged to be complicit in violence directed at human rights activists and political opponents — and criticised for shari’a laws that discriminate against women, introduced in a bid to outflank his Islamist opponents. 

Dec 30, 2013


Phosphorus is a nonmetallic chemical element with symbol P and atomic number 15.


Elemental phosphorus exists in two major forms—white phosphorus and red phosphorus—but due to its high reactivity, phosphorus is never found as a free element on Earth.

Usage :

  1. Phosphorus is an essential component of living systems and it is found in nervous tissue, bones and cell protoplasm.
  2. Phosphorus used in the manufacture of safety matches, pyrotechnics, incendiary shells, smoke bombs.
  3. Phosphorus used in pesticides and also in the production of special glasses.
  4. Na3PO4 is important as a cleaning agent, water softener and for preventing boiler scale and corrosion of pipes and boiler tubes
  5. Phosphorus found in food items are pumpkin, soya foods, cheese, nuts like badam and fish. 

Cervical Cancer


One of the most common symptoms of cervical cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding, but in some cases there may be no obvious symptoms.Also, moderate pain during sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge are symptoms of cervical cancer.


Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection appears to be a necessary factor in the development of almost all cases (90+%) of cervical cancer.Other than that smoking is also one of the factor.

Victims :

Cervical cancer is the most common malignancy among Indian women, particularly those who marry early. 

Diagnosis : 

The device AV Magnivisualizer which was developed by the Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology under the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has 95 per cent accuracy for detecting pre-cancerous lesions.

News : 29 Dec 2013 - 31 Dec 2013

Appointments : 

  1. Arvind Kejriwal sworn in as the youngest CM of Delhi.
  2. Army chief General Bikram Singh was handed over the baton of Chairman of Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC)


  1. C. K. Birla has decided to step down as the Chairman of Hindustan Motors, and also relinquish his directorship.





  1. China has opened its Satellite System Beidou completely for Asian neighbours.China is intended to widen the use of its home grown BeiDou Navigation System, which already has 16 satellites.More
  2. Barack Obama signed a two year bipartisan federal budget bill to avert the risk of shutdown in Jan 2014.
  3. Egypt's ruling govt declared Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group.Egypt’s leaders were in conflict with the movement since July 2013, when the military deposed Mohamed Morsi as a President. Mohammed Morsi was a former head of Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt’s first democratically elected President.Founded in Egypt by Hassan al-Banna in March 1928, the group spread to other Muslim countries but has its largest, or one of its largest, organizations in Egypt. It is a Sunni Islamist religious, political and social movement.

China - Dec 2013

One Child Policy

  • The one-child policy was introduced in 1979 in China. 
  • Under the earlier family planning policy, couples could have two children only if both parents were from one-child families. In rural areas, couples can have two children if their first born is a girl.
  • In Dec 2013 , loosened this policy to  allow couples to have a second child if either parent is an only child.
  • The working population will fall by 8 million every year after 2023, with those above 60 years of age reaching 400 million and accounting for one-quarter of the population in the next two decades.

Labour Camps

  • Initially introduced in 1950 for minor crimes.
  • Under the reeducation through labour system, accused can be held for up to four years without a trial.
  • China  formally abolished its controversial labour camps “re-education” system in Dec 2013

US Shutdown

Reasons :

  • On Oct 1 2013 ,the US government has begun a partial shutdown after the two houses of Congress failed to agree a new budget.Under U.S. law ,a new bill to approve funding for the next financial year is required, which must have been approved by the House of Representatives, and the Senate, and the president
  • The core problem is that the Republican party controls the lower house, or House of Representatives, while the Democrats control the Senate.The Republican-led House of Representatives insisted on delaying Democratic President Barack Obama's healthcare reform - dubbed Obamacare - as a condition for passing a bill.The Democratic-led Senate twice rejected bills from House Republicans that would have funded the government only if funding for President Obama's healthcare law was delayed for a year.ITS a DEADLOCK.
  • More than 700,000 federal employees face unpaid leave with no guarantee of back pay once the deadlock is over.
  • It is the first shutdown in 17 years.The US government has not undergone a shutdown since 1995-96, when services were suspended for a record 21 days.

Who will be Impacted : 

  •  State department will be able to operate for limited time
  • Department of defence will continue military operation.
  • Department of education will still distribute $22bn (£13.6bn) to public schools, but staffing is expected to be severely hit
  • Department of energy - 12,700 staff expected to be sent home, with 1,113 remaining to oversee nuclear arsenal
  • Department of health and human services expected to send home more than half of



  1. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch the first of seven satellites that will provide the country with an independent navigation satellite capability on July 1,2013.

  2. A navigation satellite system uses a cluster of spacecraft that regularly transmit signals.Suitably equipped receivers can then use that data to work out their exact position.Vehicles, big and small, as well as aircraft and ships increasingly find their way using such navigation devices.

Other Navigational system

  1. The best known and currently the most widely used navigation satellite system is the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS), which became operational two decades ago. Russia too offers global coverage with its Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS). Europe is establishing its own global system, Galileo. Although the full constellation will be ready only by 2019, it plans to begin some services with a reduced number of satellites by the end of next year.

  2. December 2012, China announced operational services from its BeiDou Navigation Satellite System over that country and surrounding areas. It intends to launch more satellites and expand the system for global coverage by 2020. China is developing Stations in Pakistan to improve the service there.By January 2014, Thailand will become the first country in 2014 to build a satellite station based on BeiDou, with both countries signing a 319 million dollar deal.BeiDou is the only satellite navigation



Cause : 

Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease of humans and other animals caused by parasitic protozoans (a type of unicellular microorganism) of the genus Plasmodium. Commonly, the disease is transmitted via a bite from an infected female Anopheles mosquito, which introduces the organisms from its saliva into a person's circulatory system.
More than half a million children die each year from malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum.

Symptoms : 

  • Fever 
  • Headache
  • Shivering, joint pain, vomiting, hemolytic anemia, jaundice, hemoglobin in the urine, retinal damage, and convulsions
  • Sometimes coma or death


Tropical and subtropical regions in a broad band around the equator, including much of Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

Ease in Green Clearance for States


Under the notification of EIA 2006 , category A consists of big national projects which need central government to give green clearance and category B needs state and UT (State-Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority [SEIAA]  )to give final decision on environment clearance.

New Notification for faster clearance of minor projects : 

  1. Formulate sub-category in B as 
    1. B1 : which will require detailed EIA report for appraisal and to undergo "public consultation process" that takes lot of time before the SEIAA comes to a final decision. 
    2. B2 : which will be appraised based on pre-feasibility report and declaration of other information relating to land, water and energy requirement, use of hazardous substances, disposal of waste and emission from production process. 

Dec 29, 2013

News 16-22 Dec 2013

Appointments : 

  1. Michelle Bachelet won Presidential election of Chile.
  2. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala : Chairman of NABARD(National Bank for Agriculture and Ruaral Developement)
  3. Veteran Congressman Hiphei was on Monday elected unopposed as the Speaker of the seventh Mizoram Assembly by governor Vaikkom Purushothaman



  1. Union Minister Sis Ram Ola died.He was holding Labour and Employment portfolio in Manmohan Singh government and was a recipient of Padma Shri.




  1. Turkmenistan held a parliamentary election that for the first time featured more than one party.Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov : President of Turkmenistan.Capital : Ashgabat.

Dec 28, 2013

Perfluorotributylamine : Most Powerful Greenhouse Gas

History : 

  1. The newly discovered gas, perfluorotributylamine (PFTBA), has been in use by the electrical industry since the mid-20th century such as transistors and capacitors.
  2. Concentrations of PFTBA in the atmosphere are low – 0.18 parts per trillion in the Toronto area – compared to 400 parts per million for carbon dioxide. So PFTBA does not in any way displace the burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal as the main drivers of climate change.


The chemical, that does not occur naturally.Radiative efficiency describes how effective a molecule of a gas is at preventing long-wave radiation from escaping back into space. The higher the radiative efficiency, the greater that molecule can influence climate. This value is then multiplied by its atmospheric concentration in order to determine the total climate impact of a substance.PFTBA is a manmade chemical used for various applications in electronic equipment, electronic testing and as a heat transfer agent since the mid 20th century.


PFTBA remains in the atmosphere for about 500 years, and unlike carbon dioxide.A new greenhouse gas that is 7,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide at warming the Earth.

Dec 18, 2013

Indian Economic Agencies

Regional Rural Bank

  • Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) were established under Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976 (the RRB Act) to create an alternative channel to the 'cooperative credit structure and to ensure sufficient institutional credit for the rural and agriculture sector. RRBs are jointly owned by the Government of India, the concerned State government and sponsor banks.


  • NABARD is set up as an apex Development Bank (Est. in 12 July 1982) with a mandate for facilitating credit flow for promotion and development of agriculture, small-scale industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts and other rural crafts
  • It also has the mandate to support all other allied economic activities in rural areas, promote integrated and sustainable rural development and secure prosperity of rural areas. In discharging its role as a facilitator for rural prosperity NABARD is entrusted with
    • Providing refinance to lending institutions in rural areas 
    • Bringing about or promoting institutional development and 
    • Evaluating, monitoring and inspecting the client banks.

Dec 14, 2013

PIB News - Dec 2013

Appointments : 






  1. Agartala-Akhaura and Agartala-Sabroom new line projects with Bangladesh




  1. GDP growth : 

Env & Ecology

  1. Waterways that are being developed as National Waterways (NWs) presently are:
    1.  Ganga-Bhagirathi-Hooghly river system (Allahabad-Haldia-1620 km) in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal as NW-1, declared in 1986.
    2. River Brahmaputra (Dhubri-Sadiya-891 km) in the state of Assam as NW-2 declared in 1988
    3. West Coast Canal (Kottapuram-Kollam) along with Udyogmandal and Champakara Canals – (205 km) in the state of Kerala as NW-3 declared in 1993.

Dec 13, 2013

News : 8-15 Dec 2013

Appointments : 

  1. PepsiCo, on Monday, appointed D. Shivakumar, a former senior executive with the Finnish handset maker Nokia, as the company’s new Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the Indian region
  2. Pakistan’s newly appointed Army chief  : Gen Raheel Sharif 
  3. Ranjan Mathai, former Foreign Secretary of India, has taken over as the country’s next High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.
  4. General Motors picked Mary Barra, its product development chief and a 33-year company veteran, as its next CEO. She will become the first woman to head any major car company. 
  5. Justice (retired) D.P. Buch took oath here as the Lokayukta of Gujarat.
  6. Vasundhara Raje (BJP) to be sworn in at a grand ceremony on the Rajasthan Assembly elections.
  7. Raman Singh takes oath as CM of Chattisgarh.
  8. Shivraj Singh Chouhan will be sworn in as the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh for the third consecutive time.

News : 1-7 Dec 2013


Appointments : 

  1. In a historic first for the Anglican Church in the U.K. and Ireland, and a victory for the campaign for gender equality in the church, a woman was consecrated as a bishop at a service at the Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin.Rev Pat (Patricia) Storey, 53, was the rector of St Augustine's in Londonderry.She was elected in September by the

Dec 11, 2013

China-Japan Relation

China Japan

Conflicts : 

Senkakau / Diayou Island Conflict in East China Sea : 

  • There is raging dispute between China and Japan over the sovereignty of Senkakau(Japan) / Diayou(China) islands arise in september 2012.
  • China claims sovereignty over the uninhabited islands, while Japan has the administrative control over them.
  • Senkakau is a located in East China Sea consisting of group of islands having 5 inhabited and 3 barren rocks island.
  • Aside from a 1945 to 1972 period of administration by the United States, the archipelago has been controlled by Japan since 1895. The People's Republic of China (PRC) disputed the proposed US handover of authority to Japan in 1971 and has

Dec 10, 2013

India-China Defense Cooperation Agreement

There is no commonly delineated Line of Actual Control (LAC) between India and China. There are areas along the border where India and China have differing perceptions of the LAC. Due to both sides undertaking patrolling upto their respective perceptions of the LAC, transgressions do occur.  Government regularly takes up any transgression with the Chinese side through established mechanisms.

Both countries signed a Border Defence Cooperation Agreement on 23rd October, 2013, seeking to facilitate ways and means to implement border defence cooperation; measures to facilitate contacts and to enhance understanding and cooperation between the border

Earn While You Earn

Earn While You Learn

Organisation : Ministry of Tourism
Objective : To inculcate appropriate tourism travel traits and knowledge amongst trainees to enable them to work as ‘student volunteers’.
Features : The salient features of the Scheme are: 
i. College-going students pursuing graduation courses or graduates in the age group of 18 to 25 years will be eligible for the training programme. i. The candidates are selected by following a transparent procedure. 

iii. The duration of each programme is 21 working days. 

iv. The course contents is finalized by the Ministry of Tourism/ implementing Institutes in consultation with stakeholders. 

The Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management (IITTM), had been authorized to conduct the training programmes at its Centres in Gwalior, Delhi and Bhubaneshwar and one in the city of Hyderabad. Besides, the Jamia Milia Islamia University was also authorized to conduct a training programme at its campus in Delhi.

Dec 6, 2013

East China Sea Conflcit

Setting up of ADIZ by China 

China announced to set up an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the Senkakau / Diayou islands in East China Sea and notified that Airlines passing by should give prior information to Chinese authorities.Non-compliance to this can result in "emergency defensive measures" i.e military measures.


Raised tensions in East China sea region where there is raging dispute between China and Japan over the sovereignty of Senkakau / Diayou islands.China claims sovereignty over the uninhabited islands, while Japan has the administrative control over them. The South

Sri Lanka

  1. President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his three brothers — Defence Secretary Gotabhaya, Basil, who controls politics and economic policies, and the soft-spoken Speaker of the Parliament, Chamal — are the arbiters of their country’s destiny.

  2. It is clear from the policies the Rajapaksa brothers have pursued since the defeat of the LTTE in May 2009 that their principal objective has been to prevent forever the emergence of a similar organisation. Now, the surest way to ensure that objective would be to take steps to erode, if not eliminate, separatist sentiment among the Tamil


Who can Donate Blood ? 

  1. Anybody between 18-60 years of age.

  2. Ensure a 3 month gap between donations.

  3. Those who weigh over 45kg can donate 350 ml of blood and over 56kg can donate 450 ml of blood

  4. Those who are HIV positive or have any STDs cannot donate blood.

  5. Those suffering from high BP,heart diseases, or have a history of jaundice,tuberculosis,leprosy,hepatitis B/C are permanent deferrals and cannot donate

Judicial Appointments Commission Bill,2013

  • The Rajya Sabha on Sep 2013 passed a Constitution amendment Bill to create a Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) which will replace the collegium system of appointing judges to higher courts.

  • The Constitution (120th Amendment) Bill, 2013 envisages setting up of the JAC, to be decided by Parliament, that will recommend appointment and transfer of Supreme Court and High Court judges. Currently, the collegium consisting of five top judges of the Supreme Court, headed by the Chief Justice of India, decides the appointment of

News : Aug 2013

  1. The juicy Nagpur orange, the famous tribal Warli art, Dharmavaram saris and Kerala’s Kaipad rice have been cleared for inclusion in Geographical Indications (GI) registry in the country. The logo for Leather Toys of Indore (already a GI product) was also approved.

  2. The U.K. government took step to take £3,000 bond for issuing visas to people of certain countries, including India.

  3. The Ministry of Steel under Government of India has become the first Central Ministry to be awarded ISO 9001:2008, Quality Management System certification. ISO 9001 is quality management system which codifies quality standards in every area of

Match Fixing

  1. The present raging controversy over “spot-fixing” in the Indian Premier League (IPL) has occupied a major part of the news coverage over the past two weeks. Given the cult status of the game here, one is not surprised by the anger against the avaricious personalities who brought disrepute to the game

  2. The arrest of players belonging to Rajasthan Royals by the Delhi police during the final days of the IPL season six blew the lid.

  3. Then came a series of events: the infamous exit of Lalit Modi, the drama of the formation of the Kochi team and the exit of Shashi Tharoor from the Union Cabinet, Shashank Manohar’s promise to clean up the mess, the court cases between A.C

Coal Scam


India is one of the largest producers of coal in the world.
The coal-rich region in India includes huge swathes of eastern states like Orissa, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, and pockets in the central and southern parts of the country.

More than half of India's commercial energy needs are met by coal. It is the main fuel for generating power and making steel and cement.
Coal allocation scam or Coalgate, as referred by the media, is a political scandal concerning the Indian government's allocation of the nation's coal deposits to public sector entities (PSEs) and private companies. In a draft report issued in March 2012, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) office accused the Government of India of allocating coal

Economics June 2013

  1. India’s trade deficit widened to a seven month high of $20.1 billion in May as gold imports continue to surge while exports declined by over a deficit economics
  2. Reserve Bank on Monday kept the key interest rates unchanged citing elevated food inflation, rupee depreciation and uncertainty over foreign fund inflows. Key short term lending rate (repo rate) kept unchanged at 7.25 per cent;Cash reserve ratio unchanged

Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill

Introduction :

Surrogacy in commercial form is legal in India with the landmark Supreme Court judgment and later, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Guidelines 2005 which prescribed conduct and use of ART procedures or treatment by fertility clinics. Subsequent to this the ART (Regulation) Bill 2010 was formulated by the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, which is still awaiting enforcement. The ART Bill legalised commercial surrogacy by providing for payment as “monetary compensation” to the surrogate mother by the

Land Acquisition Bill

Land Acquisition BIill

Economic growth and job creation require efficient usage of land resources. It is important that a fair and transparent process for purchase and for acquisition of land is followed. For the purchase of land, a key concern is the authenticity of land titles, and the government has drafted a Land Titling Bill for this purpose.

End uses Projects permitted to acquire 

It defines public purpose to include infrastructure projects (as defined by the finance ministry, with some exclusions);projects related to

Ireland -Protection of Life During pregnancy Bill 2013

Protection of Life During pregnancy Bill 2013 :

  1. Savita Halappanavar suffered a fatal miscarriage in October 2012 after being denied the abortion she requested.

  2. Members of the Irish Parliament’s lower house, the Dáil Éireann, passed the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, 2013, which allows medical practitioners to terminate a pregnancy if it poses a “substantial” or “immediate” risk to the mother’s life.

  3. Nevertheless, the law is still some distance away from embracing a ‘pro-choice’ approach: an amendment introduced by women TDs that would have permitted the termination of pregnancies arising from rape or incest failed to win support in the Dáil.

Edward Snowden

  1. Edward Snowden, an employee of defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton at the National Security Agency, arrives in Hong Kong from Hawaii. He carries four laptop computers that enable him to gain access to some of the U.S. government’s most highly-classified secrets.

  2. The Guardian publishes its first exclusive based on Snowden’s leak, revealing a secret court order showing that the U.S. government had forced the telecom giant Verizon to hand over the phone records of millions of Americans.

  3. A second story reveals the existence of the previously undisclosed programme Prism, which internal NSA documents claim gives the agency “direct access” to data held by Google,



It is a type of land degradation  in which a relatively dry land becomes increasingly arid , typically losing  its bodies of water as well as  vegetation and wildlife.

Causes : 

Number of factors which work individually or in combination causing desertification. The immediate cause is the removal of most vegetation. This is driven by a number of factors such as:

  • Drought

  • Climatic shifts

MSME Sector

Classification of MSME 

MSME sector are classified into 2 classes with the following criteria:

1. Manufacturing or production enterprises

EnterprisesInvestment in plant & machinery
Micro Enterprises < Rs.25 lacs
Small Enterprises > Rs.25 lacs and < Rs.5 crores
Medium Enterprises > Rs.5 crores and < Rs.10 crores

2. Service enterprises

EnterprisesInvestment in equipments
Micro Enterprises< Rs.10 lacs
Small Enterprises > Rs.10 lacs and < Rs.2 Crores
Medium Enterprises > Rs.2 Crores and < Rs.5 Crores

Contribution of MSME sector to Indian Economy

Farmer Club

                                            English: agriculture

Definition : 

  • Grassroot level informal forums of farmers

  • Such Clubs are organized by rural branches of banks with the support and financial assistance of NABARD for the mutual benefit of the banks concerned and the village farming community/rural people.

  • All Institutional Agencies (Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks) and all grassroot level organisations (NGOs, PRIs, State Agricultural Universities, KVKs, ATMA, Post Offices etc.) are eligible to form Farmers’ Clubs.



  • The Nitaqat  is a new policy being placed by the Saudi government in order to reduce the unemployment rate among Saudi citizens.

  • This policy makes it mandatory for Saudi Companies to reserve 10 percent of jobs for Saudi nationals.


  • Saudi Arabia’s economy depends heavily on the existence of a large proportion of expatriates working for various establishments in the private and public sector.

Aug 2013 - Vocab


  •  to make someone believe something that is not true.

  • धोखा देना

  • Mislead,Myth,Lie,Bad faith


  •  to talk and behave towards someone in a loud and unpleasantly forceful way,especially in order to get them to act or think as you want them to.

  • धमकाना

  • Drone on ,Croak,Grunt



Pack Journalism / Journalism  

  1. According to an essay in the Global Media Journal of Purdue University, Pack Journalism “is a phenomenon by which large groups of reporters from different media outlets collaborate to cover the same story. They cite or draw from the same sources, simultaneously, with the same purpose and employing the same methods. They move in a swarm where they observe carefully what the others are doing. Their main goal is


  1. Oct 2013 : National Security Agency boss General Keith Alexander conceded that the Agency recently ran a programme that entailed the collection of Americans’ mobile phone location data.

  2. The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other U.S. internet giants, according to a top secret document obtained by The Guardian.

  3. The NSA access is part of a previously undisclosed programme called PRISM, which allows officials to collect material including search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live

Terms - Env and Ecology

Blast Fishing

  • Blast fishing or dynamite fishing is the practice of using explosives to stun or kill schools of fish for easy collection. This often illegal practice can be extremely destructive to the surrounding ecosystem, as the explosion often destroys the underlying habitat (such as coral reefs) that supports the fish.

May 2013 Consolidated

Goa launches "Krishi Card" for farmers  

  • To avail benefits in terms of loan and subsidies provided by state government.

  • Act as a database to retrieve complete detail of farmers.

  • Card is not a LEGAL title document for farmers and tenants to take a stake over land.It is restricted to agriculture subsidy only.

Indian stuntman and Guinness record holder Sailendra Nath Roy passed away

  • Made record by travelling a distance of 82.5m on a zip wire at Neemrana Fort Palace,


  • 12th Plan stresses hydropower from Yarlung Zangbo(Brahmaputra).
  • yarlung zangbo dam
    • China has, so far, only begun construction on one major hydropower dam on the main stream of the middle reaches of the Brahmaputra or Yarlung Zangbo as it is known in China – a 510 MW project in Zangmu in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR)
    • A 640 MW dam will be built in Dagu, which lies 18 km upstream of Zangmu. Another 320 MW dam will be built at Jiacha, also on the middle reaches of the
      Brahmaputura downstream of Zangmu. A third dam will be built at Jiexu, 11 km upstream of Zangmu.
  • Chinese Culture : Peking Opera and ballet
  • Chinese maritime surveillance vessels have repeatedly entered Japanese-claimed waters around the islands since last September, when Japan’s government