Apr 24, 2013

Women and Child Development

National Policy for Children 2012
  • Acknowledges every person below the age of 18 years as a child  and that childhood is an integral part of life with a value of its own, and a long term, sustainable, multi-sectoral, integrated and inclusive approach is essential for the pleasant development and protection of children.
  • Guiding Principles : 
    • Right of every child to life, survival, development, education, protection and participation
    • Equal rights for all children without discrimination
  • The policy has identified the following as the undeniable rights of every child, and has also declared these as key priority areas:
    • Survival 
    • Health
    • Nutrition
    • Education
    • Development
    • Protection
    • Participation
  • National Coordination and Action Group (NCAG)  be established in order to supervise the performance of National Policy for Children.
  • National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights are to ascertain that the principles of the policy are valued in all sectors at all levels. There is a condition for reassessment of the policy every 5 years.
  • Ministry of Women and Child Development will be the nodal ministry for supervising and coordinating the effectuation of the policy and will lead the review process for the policy.