Apr 29, 2013

Nobel Prize 2012

  •  Literature : Chinese author Mo Yan(real name Guan Moye)
    •  The Swedish Academy recognized the writer as a one "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary".
    • Works : 
      • Red Sorghum
      • The Republic of Wine
      • Life and Death are Wearing Me Out
    • In 2011, the prize was given to Swedish poet Tomas Transtroemer.
  • Physics : Serge Haroche of France and David Wineland of America
    •  for inventing methods to observe the bizarre properties of the quantum particles without disturbing them. This thing was previously thought unattainable.
    • Their inventions are the methods by which quantum particles like atom, electron or photon can be observed while preserving their quantum properties. Earlier, the problem was that these particles after they are separated from surrounding lose their specific properties due to interaction with the environment. But using the novel methods it will now be feasible to separate and observe these particles without destroying their characteristics. 
    • The ground-breaking research has already enabled scientists in construction of ultra precise clocks. Its major application can be in the development of new superfast computers based on quantum physics.
  • Chemistry : Robert Lefkowitz and Brian Kobilka of US
    • for studies of an important family of protein receptors, called G-protein-coupled receptors.
    • It is an important family of receptors found in human body cells which allow the cell to sense and respond to outside chemical signals like adrenaline(hormone produced during stress Chemical name: aminohydroxyphenylpropionic acid; formula: C9H13NO3 US name epinephrine ). The human body has about 1,000 kinds of such receptors, some receptors are in the nose, tongue and eyes, and help in sensing smells, tastes and vision.
    • The study will be helpful in enhancing the understanding of modern pharmacology as well as how cells in different parts of living organisms can react differently to external stimulation, such as light and smell, or the internal systems which control our bodies such as hormones. The study could be particularly helpful in the development of new and better pharmaceuticals as about half of all medications achieve their effect through G-protein-coupled receptors.
  • Economics : Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley of U.S. 
    • for studies on the match-making that takes place when doctors are coupled up with hospitals; students with schools; and human organs with transplant recipients. 
    • This Prize has been given to them “for the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design”. The work is concerned with the best possible way to allocate resources, such as in school admissions or organs to patients who need transplants. It was a form of economic engineering, designing markets for situations where traditional market mechanisms based on price are not applicable or do not work well. Matching is a fundamental property of many markets and social institutions. For eg. matching jobs to workers, husbands to wives, doctors to hospitals, kidneys to patients etc. 
  • Peace Prize : European Union
    • for furthering peace in the continent after World War II.
    • now EU is a union of 27 nations.During WW II it was torn apart.