Feb 25, 2013

Vocabulary : Jan 2013

  • Bluntlyबिना किसी बनावट के : in a blunt direct manner 
    • Synonyms blufflybrusquely 
  • Apartheid : रंग-भेद : a political system in which people of different races were separated
    • Synonyms segregation
  • Prejudiceपूर्वाग्रह , भेदभाव : an opinion formed beforehand, esp an unfavourable one based on inadequate facts.
    • Synonyms : Bias , Preconception
  • Comprehend : समझना : to understand something completely.
    • Synonyms : Apprehend , Perceive , Savvy
  • Privyगुप्त जानकारी के संबन्धित : to be told information that is not told to many people
    • Synonyms : Toilet , Secluded , Secret
  • Commence : आरम्भ होना : to begin something
    • Synonyms : Begin , Lead Off, Embark on
  • Vexed : विवादास्पद : difficult to deal with and causing a lot of disagreement and argument
    • Synonyms : Harassed ,Controversial
  • Slumber : अल्पनिद्रा : sleep 
    • Synonyms : Sleep , Nap ,Doze
  • Bourseसराफ़ा : a stock market 
  • Blizzard :बर्फ़ानी तूफ़ान : severe snow storm
  • Memoir : वृतांत : a book or other piece of writing based on the writer's personal knowledge of famous people, places or events
  • Ultra Vires : Beyond the powers.